Theme Comparison

All Fluorescent themes offer their own unique styles, settings, and features so you can find the perfect match for your brand and store.

See the full list of available features below or view our theme demos to see them in action:

The Header appears at the top of every page. All themes include options to configure header styles, navigation menus, and search, in addition to specialized features.


All themes offer a unique set of Sections to design rich promotional content and a great shopping experience for all your pages.

Marketing sections

Use text, images, and video to tell the story of your brand and products.

Merchandising sections

Showcase your products and collections to get customers shopping.

Promotional sections

Highlight sales, promotions, and events.

Collection page

Every theme's Collection page has a customizable grid with advanced filters that makes it easy to discover your products and add them directly to your cart.

Product page

Every theme's Product page includes comprehensive settings and features like Recommend products, Dynamic checkout, and Color swatches. Each theme provides their own unique layout, styles, and additional features.

Page templates

All themes provide Templates for every default page type and supports multiple templates for products, collections, pages, and blogs. Some themes have additional specially-designed templates:

Image settings

All themes include advanced Image settings that give you control over the size, shape, focus, and style of your images. These settings are available on either most or select sections and pages.


All themes provide settings for the Cart page and Quick Cart with some offering additional features.

Every theme includes a customizable Popup that automatically displays a newsletter signup to keep customers engaged.

The Footer appears at the bottom of every page. All themes offer features to help customers continue shopping, learn more about your store, and keep in touch.

Theme code

Most themes include standalone files for CSS and JS customizations, as well as the original unminified Theme JS file that can be enabled.

Last updated