Product page sections

Product pages

Theme retirement | Context is no longer available on the Shopify theme store. Theme support and updates for current users will end after May 18, 2024. Learn more here.

Product page sections are added outside the product overview (below or above). Use theme sections to add more functionality and further customize the layout of your product pages.

We recommend starting by hiding or removing the default sections you don't want to use.

Product section (guides)Description

Show customers related products that they can add to the cart.

Display your product media in a grid below or above the product form.

Display recommend products.

Display customer reviews with Shopify's Review app. (Note: Shopify's review app has been delisted. This option is available for stores that have previously downloaded the app.)

Display rows of products that the customer has viewed on your site

Use theme sections to customize the page layout.

Last updated