Image with text
Theme section
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Theme section
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Theme retirement | Context is no longer available on the Shopify theme store. Theme support and updates for current users will end after May 18, 2024. Learn more here.
The Image with text section combines a feature image with a marketing call to action block. With a flexible layout and optional button, it's a great way to introduce a product collection or something new and exciting.
Add this section to any template (except Checkout) and use the drag-and-drop handles to re-order its position. You can add this section multiple times with different content and settings.
Editing a template changes all pages that use that template. To edit specific pages, you can create new templates or insert dynamic content with metafields.d
Upload a feature image to display on the left or right of the marketing text block. You can adjust the width and shape of your image.
This section has blocks for three text headings. You can customize the alignment, color, and overall look of your text.
You can link to you collections or products or any other page with a custom call-to-action button.
Click the Image with text section to find the following settings.
Select or upload one image. There are no required image dimensions but we recommend an image that is square or landscape (wider than it is tall). We recommend uploading an image with a minimum width of 2050px for optimal quality.
Image position
Display the image on the Left or Right side of the section.
Image width
Change the width of image in this section. Either 1/2 (50% of the page width) or 2/3 (66% of the page width).
Image aspect ratio
Choose to crop all images to be a single uniform shape. Select Portrait (2:3), Square (1:1), or Landscape (3:2). Select Natural to display images in their original shape (without cropping).
Image focal point
Select the most important part of your image to keep centered. Use focal points to avoid unwanted cropping across different screen sizes. You can specifya focal point for an image used within a section or for an uploaded image file. Learn more in our Image settings guide..
Enter heading text to display as a section title.
Enter text to display below the heading.
Text max width
Use the slider to adjust the maximum width of the heading and subheading text. Experiment with this setting to find a clean visual shape for your text.
Select or paste a URL for a button. You can add up to three buttons below the section heading.
Link style
Choose to display the link as a Link with arrow or Button.
Link text
Add text for the label of the link or button.
Related links Full width image Slideshow Mosaic grid (2 columns)