Transparent header


Theme retirement Ira is no longer available on the Shopify theme store. Theme support and updates for current users will end after May 18, 2024. Learn more here.

Make your store's header transparent on your Home page and collection pages to display the full height of your Slideshow.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click the Header section and scroll down the the Transparent header settings.

  2. Check the Enable on home page and/or Enable on collection pages checkbox to turn on the transparent header.

    Ensure that you have a Slideshow section as the first section.

  3. Choose the colors (Text color, Icon color, and Border color) that should be used for the header content.

    These colors will need to contrast with your slides or video to ensure visibility.

  4. Use the Border opacity slider to make the border more or less visible.

    0 is completely invisible and 10 is completely opaque.

  5. Add a Logo image to be used specifically with the transparent header.

    Use an edited logo image with alternate colors to contrast with your slideshow images. For example, you may need a dark-colored version of your logo to look good on light-colored backgrounds.

    This image only displays when the header is transparent. Your main logo image will automatically display when the header is no longer transparent.

  6. Click Save.

Settings reference

Click on the Header section to find the following settings:


Enable on home page

Select this checkbox to enable the transparent header feature on the home page. This setting requires that you have a Slideshow or Video Hero section enabled as the first section on your homepage.

Text color

Select a color for all text in your header. Make sure the text is readable against your top-most home page section's background colors, images, or video.

Icon color

Select a color for all icons in your header.We recommend using the same color you used for your Text color.

Cart count color

Select a color for the number that shows the amount of products in the cart. This color needs to contrast with the Icon color.

Border color

Select a color for the border that defines the bottom edge of your header. The Border opacity needs to be above 0% to appear.

Border opacity

Use the slider to set the border opacity: where 0% is invisible and 100% is completely opaque.

Logo image

Select or upload a logo image to be used on the transparent header. This logo is only used when the header is shown as a transparent header. The settings for your normal logo appears at the top of the header settings.

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