Support policy

Theme retirement Ira is no longer available on the Shopify theme store. Theme support and updates for current users will end after May 18, 2024. Learn more here.

We're happy to provide bug fixes and answers to questions arising from general use of the theme. We cannot provide support for integrations with third party apps or any problems that might arise from using third party apps.

What we cover

✓ A friendly team of Canada-based experts.

✓ Questions about general theme functionality.

✓ Assistance with setting up a theme’s built-in features.

✓ Bug fixes for issues arising from unmodified use of the theme

✓ Free updates to your theme version through the

What we don’t cover

Ⓧ Issues related to the Shopify admin (such as Product and Collection setup, Shipping and Delivery, Payments, etc). These questions should be directed to who are best suited to assist you.

Ⓧ Troubleshooting issues related to theme modifications.

Ⓧ Support for integrations or third-party apps. Please contact the app developer directly for assistance, as it is their responsibility to help install their application and code into a theme.

Ⓧ Support via telephone or video chat.

Ⓧ Installation of theme updates (we’re happy to walk you through it, though).

Ⓧ Transferring customizations to a new version of the theme.

Ⓧ Support for conversion rate optimization, page speed, and third party analytics or tracking code (such as Google Tag Manager or Facebook Pixel).


⚠ All theme purchases include lifetime support! The level of support we can offer, however, is limited for versions that are more than a year old, and very limited for vintage versions of themes (pre-OS2). Upgrading to the latest version is always recommended and may be required in order for us to provide technical support.

⚠ Sending multiple tickets for the same issue will result in your ticket being moved to the bottom of the queue, which could result in a delayed response. Please send only one ticket and follow up with our team if you haven’t received a response within 2 business days.

⚠ Support is provided in English, however if a ticket is submitted in another language we will attempt to use a translation tool to respond.

⚠ Inappropriate or discriminatory language will result a termination of support services.

Theme Updates

You can update your theme version through the Theme Store as long as you or an installed app haven't made any code changes to your theme. If you’ve made changes to your theme through code changes or apps, please see our Help Centre for instructions on how to update your theme version manually.

Bug Fixes

We are committed to fixing theme bugs as quickly as possible. Our team will provide you with a fix where possible, and a proper solution will be provided in order of priority and according to our development schedule. Please refer to the Changelog for your specific theme (available in our Help Centre) to see when an update is available.


Due to both the complexity and sheer volume of third-party apps available, we cannot guarantee compatibility of all apps with our themes. The app developer should be your first point of contact if you’re experiencing issues with functionality, as they will be most familiar with how the code that controls the app works.

We also advise using caution when installing apps into your store. Many apps will inject code into your theme that may remain even if you’ve deleted the app from your store, which could cause future compatibility issues. If you’re experiencing issues with app code in your theme, you’ll need to speak with a developer who can fix this for you.

Related links

Shopify vs. Theme issues Store access requests Updating your theme Message us

Last updated

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