Contact page


Use the Contact page template to let customers message you through the contact form.

  • Customize the content and layout your contact page

  • Add custom fields and buttons to the custom form

Create contact page

You first need to create a page and assign the contact template in your Shopify admin.

Pages are a Shopify feature: see Shopify's guide for creating pages ↗.


In your Shopify admin:

  1. Click Online store > Pages.

  2. Click Add page.

  3. Add a Title (e.g. "Contact us").

    The title will be used for the page URL (e.g.

    You don't need to add anything to the Content field. You will add the page content by editing the template in the theme editor.

  4. Click the Theme template menu and select contact to assign the template to your page.

    Note: Templates can't be assigned on unpublished themes. Your changes to templates will be saved and can be assigned when you buy and publish the theme.

  5. Click Save.

Set up contact form

Click (+) Add block to add additional fields and inputs for your contact form.

Text input

Show a text field for customers to add a single word or line.

Text area

Show a text field for customers to add multiple lines.

Select dropdown

A menu of multiple options that requires a single choice.

Radio buttons

A list of buttons for multiple options that requires a single choice.


Add multiple checkboxes that allow for more than one selection.


A text field for the customer's phone number.


A text field for your customer's email.


(Required) The contact button that sends the message.

Add content blocks

Click (+) Add block to add blocks for Headings, Text, and Spacers to help organize and explain the contact form fields.

Use the drag handles ⋮⋮ to re-order blocks, and add Spacer and Divider blocks to further customize the layout.

Show reCAPTCHA terms

Click Contact form section to find settings


Show reCAPTCHA terms

Show the terms of service and privacy policy for Google's reCAPTCHA form. Google reCAPTCHA is enabled by default on all Shopify stores to minimize spam from bots.

Last updated