Use custom colors

In Theme settings > Swatches, you can assign custom colors to product variants using a hex code color (e.g. #00b300). Custom colors will override any default colors.

  • In the Custom swatch colors field, list up to 100 variant names followed by a colon and the hex code (e.g. “Green: #00b300”).

  • If your store uses multiple languages, add each translated variants name on a separate line with the assigned hex code.

Why are my swatches blank?

Make sure the variant names match the exact spelling from your Shopify admin. If your store uses multiple languages, add each translated variant name with the assigned custom hex code on separate lines.

Why aren’t my collection pages loading?

Adding more than 100 custom swatch colors can cause a ‘500’ error on your store and stop collection pages from loading. Consider using Custom swatch images for larger sets of variant swatches.

Watch video tutorial

Find color hex codes

To find the hex code for the color you want, you can use a HTML color picker like this one. When you choose your color, select and copy the six-character hex code, including the hashtag symbol.

Add custom colors

In Theme settings > Swatches, list variant names followed by a colon and the hex code (e.g. “Green: #00b300”). If you store uses multiple languages, add each translated variant name with the custom hex code on separate lines.

Adding more than 100 custom swatch colors can cause a ‘500’ error on your store and stop collection pages from loading. Consider using Custom swatch images for larger sets of variant swatches.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click to open the Theme settings, then click Swatches.

  2. In the Custom swatch colors field add the exact name of the Option value (e.g. the product variant "Green") followed by a colon and your hex code color (e.g. Green: #00b300).

    To add more than one custom color, press the 'return' key to add each color on its own line.

    For sibling products, use the Option name added to the metafield you created. See the sibling product swatches guide to learn more.

  3. (For multiple store languages) Add the translated variant name for all languages, followed by a colon and the hex code.

    For example, for stores that use English and German, add custom colors for both Green and Grün on separate lines.

  4. Click Save.

Last updated

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