Product recommendations
Add the Product recommendations section to show similar products to customers on product pages.
Check out similar features like Complementary products for the product page and Cross sells in the cart to show customers related products that they can purchase in addition to the selected product.
Set up section
In the editor side panel, click (+) Add section and select Product recommendations. Click and hold the drag handles ⋮⋮
to re-order sections.
Editing a template will change all pages that use that template.
Create and assign new templates to design different page layouts.
Add dynamic content to show page-specific content in the same template.
Using automated recommendations ensures that only in-stock and published products are displayed. If you manually select recommended products, make sure your product list is up-to-date.
Customize recommendations
Recommendations are automatically generated based on products in related collections, products that are commonly purchased together, or similar product descriptions.
With Shopify's Search & Discovery app, you can customize which products are recommended.
Download Shopify's Search & Discovery app and learn how to choose recommended products ↗ for your store’s product pages.
Last updated