Text block

Product overview block

In the Product template, you can add a Text block for additional information about your product.

  • Add Text

  • Adjust the Text size

Add text block

Under Product overview, click (+) Add block and select Text. Use the drag-and-drop handles ⋮⋮ to re-order blocks. Click the block to start adding content.

Editing a template will change all pages that use that template.

Create and assign new templates to design different page layouts.

Add dynamic content to show page-specific content in the same template.

Click Text block to find settings


Text size

Change the size of the text.

1 - 8 Default: 3


Add multiple lines of rich text. Use the buttons to make the text bold or italicized, or to add a link.

Default: "Text..."

Add bottom padding

Use Bottom padding to adjust the layout of the product overview section by adding spacing between blocks.

Click Text block to find settings


Bottom padding

Add spacing below the block

1 - 50px

Default: 24px

Last updated