Variant swatches
Product pages
Last updated
Product pages
Last updated
Display your product variants as Swatches to make it easy for customers to view your product options at a glance. Instead of a dropdown menu, swatches visually represent your variants as a row of clickable buttons.
You can add swatches using default colors or custom colors added to your theme settings. You can also upload custom images to represent your product variants more precisely.
In the theme editor, enable swatches in your theme settings by adding the option name for your product variants. You can enable swatches for multiple product options. If your store uses multiple languages, make sure to add the translated product option names for each language.
If you want to set up variants as individual products with their own images and details, learn how to set up Sibling product swatches..
Choose one of four ways to add swatches:
Use default color names for variants to show one of 140 colors.
Use hexcodes to show custom web colors.
Upload custom images uploaded to your store.
You can also enable Variant chips on product pages, which display product options as a row of clickable buttons with the variant name as the label. See the variant chips guide.
You can choose to show swatches on products cards when hovered over anywhere on your site. Spark also has Dynamic option availability that grays out swatches of out-of-stock variants.
Enable dynamic option availability
Show swatches on product cards
Watch the tutorial video for setting up swatches, including default colors, custom colors, and custom images.
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