
Collection pages

In the Collection banner settings, you can customize its overall section style, along with the banner image and description. You can also choose to enable breadcrumb navigation.

Use the style settings to change the image height, define an image focal point, and add a color or gradient overlay on top of your image.

Set up banner image

By default, the Collection banner displays the Collection image added in your Shopify Admin. In the theme editor, you can adjust the look and style of your collection image and headings.

Shopify The Collection image is a Shopify feature. See their article Add a featured image for a collection ↗ for more information.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click on the Collection banner section to open the section settings.

  2. To hide the Collection image, uncheck the Show collection image option.

  3. Select the Image focal point to specify the main focus of your image. The focal point of your image will remain centered and within frame when your site adapts to different screen sizes.

    See our image guideto learn more about using focal points for section images and sitewide images.

  4. (Optional.) Select an Overlay color to display overtop of the image and adjust the Overlay opacity using the slider.

    The Overlay lets you control the brightness and tone of images. Use this setting to balance it with other images and to increase contrast with headings so they're readable.

    Set the opacity to 0% to turn off the overlay color; set it to 100% to create a solid color block with no image.

  5. (Optional.) Click the Overlay gradient option to add a color overlay that fades across a range of hues.

    You can choose the style, angle, position, and opacity of the gradient. See Shopify's color gradient guide ↗ to learn more.

  6. Change the Text color to match your headings to your brand and make sure the text is readable.

    We recommend using WebAIM's contrast checker when matching colors to make sure your text is clear and readable for everyone.

  7. Click Save.

Set up banner heading

The Collection heading includes options for the collection title, description, and border that overlay the collection image. Choose which headings to display and adjust their alignment and max width.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click on the Collection banner section to find the Collection heading settings.

  2. Choose whether to show a border line (Show border), the collection name (Heading), and a small heading that indicates that you're on a collection page (Show small heading).

  3. Choose whether to Show description. This option displays the collection description added in the Shopify Admin.

    Adding a description to a collection is a Shopify feature. See their article Change the name or description for a collection ↗.

  4. Change the Heading alignment to display the headings and description on the Left or Center of the banner.

  5. Use the Max width of text slider to control the maximum width of the headings and description.

    Use this setting to create a clean visual shape for your text and avoid unwanted line breaks.

  6. Click Save.

To edit your collection's title or description, go to Products > Collections in your Shopify admin. See Shopify's collections guide ↗ to learn more.

Settings reference

In a collections template, click the Collection banner section to find the following settings.

Collection banner headings

Collection image banner

Related links

Collections template Product grid Breadcrumbs Filters and sorting

Last updated