Variant chips

Product pages

On product pages, you can product variants as a row of clickable buttons or "Chips", which makes it easy to view them at a glance.

By default, product options for "Size" display as chips. You can display other product options as chips by adding their option name in the theme settings. You can also select a Chip Style to change their layout.

You can also enable Variant swatches on product pages, which display product options as a row of buttons that visually represent your variants with custom colors. See the Variant swatches guide.

Enable chips for variant options

By default, variants with the option name "Size" will display as chips. You can add or remove chips by adding their option name in the theme settings.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click Theme settings, then click Product.

  2. Enter the exact product option name in the Variant option for chips field (e.g. "Size").

    For multiple product options, enter all product option names, separated by commas (e.g. "Color, Material, Style"). For multiple languages, enter the translated option name for each language, separated by commas (e.g. "Color, Couleur, Farbe").

  3. Click Save.

Change layout of chips

In your product page template, open the Variant selector block to change the style of the chips.

You can display chips in 2, 3, or 4 columns, or set the style to "Natural" so the chip size adapts to the length of the variant name.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Open your Product template.

  2. Click the Variant selector block under “Product overview” to open the settings.

  3. Under Chip style, set the Chip layout to 2, 3, or 4 Columns, or Natural.

    Grid Column layouts expand the width of the chips to the product form width. Natural sets the width of the chip to the length of the variant name.

  4. Click Save.

Show chips on product listings

Update This option was added in v3.1.0 on March 11, 2024. See our Changelog and theme update guide to learn more.

By default, variants options for "size" will appear as chips on all products across your site when hovered over, including on collection pages and feature sections.

Go to Theme settings and open the Product listing tab. Choose whether to Show chips on hover. To change which product options should use chips, add or remove the option names in the Variant option for chips field.\

Related links

Product pages Variant swatches

Last updated