Product listings

Product listings are grids or rows of products displayed on collection pages and theme sections. Each product card displays the product's image, title, and price.

Go to Theme settings > Product listings to customize the appearance of product cards and choose to show additional elements, like the Quick view button for adding products directly to the cart and Product badges.

Display elements

You can choose to show swatches, chips, vendors, and a border when customers hover over the products.

Show quick view button

Choose to Enable the quick view button that opens a popup with product details and form to let customers learn more and buy products on the same page.

See the Quick view template guide to edit the appearance of the quick view popover.

Change image styles

Change the shape (aspect ratio) and fit of product images, and enable a secondary image on hover.

Show product badges

Choose whether to show sale, sold out, and custom badges on the products.

To set up custom product badges, including colors and labels, see the Product badges guide.

Change price display options

For products that are sold out or have a $0 price, you can choose to hide the price or show custom text instead.

Go to Theme settings and open the Product listing tab. Scroll down to Prices to find the following settings.

To change price display options on product pages, go to Theme settings > Product.

Add custom label for prices

By default, $0 prices use "Free" and sold-out prices use "Sold out" as custom labels. You can change these labels in your default theme content editor.

You can only access the default theme content editor for purchased themes on Shopify.


In the theme editor (Customize):

  1. Go to Theme settings > Product listing and scroll down to Prices.

    For price display options on the product page, go to Theme settings > Product.

  2. Click the dropdown for $0 prices or Sold out prices, and select Show as custom label.

  3. Click the Actions ... menu at the top of the theme editor.

    You can also open the Actions menu next to your theme in the Online store section of your Shopify admin.

  4. Select Edit default theme content.

    Note: You can only access the default theme content editor for purchased themes on Shopify.

  5. Click Products and scroll down to the Inventory section.

  6. Change the text in the fields for Sold out price custom label or Zero price custom label.

  7. Click Save.

Related links

Theme settings Product badges Quick view Swatches

Last updated