Blog posts
Theme section
The Blog posts section displays a carousel of featured blog posts. Select which articles to feature and customize the content and style of the section.
Tip | Check out Shopify's guide on How to start a blog and grow your audience.
Add images and excerpts
For the Blog posts section to display properly, you will need to add Featured images to posts in your Shopify admin.
You can also add Excerpts to your blog posts to customize the text that appears in the blog posts section. Otherwise, Stiletto will display the first few lines of your post.
Set up section
Add this section to any template (except Checkout) and use the drag-and-drop handles to re-order its position. You can add this section multiple times with different content and settings.
Editing a template changes all pages that use that template. To edit specific pages, you can create new templates or insert dynamic content with metafields
Select blog posts to show
Display the latest posts from a Selected blog or create a Custom list of blog posts.
Show latest posts
Show selected posts
Section content
Add section headings and an optional button that can link to all your blog page.
Section style
Change the section style and padding, article options, number of posts, and the shape of your blog images.
Settings reference
Click the Blog post section to find the following settings.
Section content
Blog posts
Article options
Section style
Related links
Last updated