
Templates provide the content, layout, and style of your online store pages. There are templates for every type of page supported by Shopify, such as the home page, products, collections, blogs, cart, and more.

See our guide to using templates to learn about editing, assigning, and creating multiple templates for your pages.


In the table below, find setup guides for Cornerstone's available templates.


Design the landing page of your online store.

List the latest blog posts from your blog.

Publish store updates, and featured content.

Show an overview of cart items before checkout.

Display product collections in a grid with filter options.

Display your store's collections in a grid.

Let customers get in touch with an easy contact form.

Restrict access to your online store with a password.

Display product details, variants, and buy button.

Quick view

Change the style and layout of the "quick view" popup.

Show full-page search results with filter options.

Show a 404 message when a page does not exist.

Shopify templates

The following templates are controlled by Shopify. For questions and issues, please contact Shopify Support ↗


Display a purchased gift card's value and code.

Let customers buy products with preferred payment methods.

Let customers login to see their info and order history.

Last updated