Featured product
The Featured product section displays an entire product form on your page so customers can buy your products on the spot.

Editing templates will change all pages that use the same template. Create new templates for different page layouts, or show dynamic page content in the same template.
Set up section
In the editor side panel, click (+) Add section and select Featured product. Click and hold the drag handles ⋮⋮
to re-order sections.
Click the section to open the settings. Click Select product for the Featured product option.
Click Featured product section to find settings
Select product
Choose one of your products to feature. The section will use details and settings from in your Shopify admin.
Product image size
Change the size of the main product image. Select Small, Medium, Large, or Extra large.
Thumbnail size
Change the size of the thumbnail product images. Select Small, Medium, or Large.
Enable video looping
Choose to play videos in your product media gallery continuously.
Enable image zoom
Allow visitors to view product images in a larger view.
Show thumbnails in zoom gallery
Choose to show thumbnail images when product media are viewed in the zoom gallery.
Image aspect ratio
Choose to crop all product images to be a single uniform shape. Select Portrait (2:3), Portrait (4:5), Square (1:1), Landscape (5:4), or Landscape (3:2). Select Natural to display images in their original shape (without cropping). Learn more about aspect ratios in our Image settings guide.
Default blocks
Default blocks include essential product details and purchase options. Click the blocks to find additional settings.
Display title, price, vendor, star rating, and badges.
Display product description as a paragraph or accordion.
Display variants of product options. Includes options for Information popup, Variant swatches, and Variant chips.
Quantity selector
Let customers add more quantities of a product.
Add-to-cart button with optional Sticky Add-to-Cart bar and Dynamic checkout button. Includes Local pickup banner.
Social links for sharing your product page.
Feature blocks
Add Feature product blocks to organize additional product information and design the page layout.
Add block with custom HTML or Liquid
Add space between product blocks.
Related links
Last updated
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