Mobile menu

You can customize the Mobile menu drawer that displays your menu links, social media icons, and language and country selectors. Add multiple featured blocks to show promoted text, collections, or products.

Settings reference

Click the Mobile menu section to find the following settings.


Logo image

Upload a PNG image to display as your store logo in mobile menu. The name of your store displays when no logo image is uploaded.

Logo width

Increase or decrease the width of your logo image measured in pixels. The logo height will change to match the width.


Main menu

Select a menu from your Shopify admin to display a link list.

Secondary menu

Select a menu from your Shopify admin to display an additional link list.

Highlight a top-level menu item with a custom color.


Featured link label

Enter the link name from your menu that you want to highlight.

Featured link color

Change the color of the featured link.

Icons and selectors


Customer accounts

Enable a quick-sign in menu for customers. The customer account icon appears by default when customer accounts are enabled in your Shopify admin. Customer accounts is a Shopify feature. Our theme support cannot provide code customizations to remove the customer icon. See Shopify's Custom accounts manual to learn more.

Enable language selector

Allow customers to select their preferred store language.

Enable country selector

Allow customers to select their preferred country and currency.

Show country flags

Display the flag icons next to country names in the selector.

Show social icons

Display icon links for you social media accounts set up in your theme settings.

Available blocks

Click (+) Add block and select an available block.


Promoted collections

Display selected collections as a list or multiple columns in the mobile menu.

Promoted products

Display selected product as a list or multiple columns in the mobile menu.

Promoted text

Add promotional text with optional links.

Related links


Last updated

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