In the editor side panel, click (+) Add section and select Featured collection with media. Click and hold the drag handles ⋮⋮ to re-order sections.
Section styles
Sections include general styles. Click the section to find options for colors, spacing, and animations.
Select featured collection
Select a Collection to display with adjustable rows and columns. Select how many columns and products to display, and choose to show products in a Grid or single-row Slider.
In your theme editor (Customize):
Click the Featured collection with media section to open the settings.
Use the Select collection button find the collection you want to feature.
We recommend collections with at least 4 products.
Use the slider to set the Maximum number of products to display from your collection. Between 3 and 6.
The products will display in the sort order as set in your Shopify admin settings. Learn more about admin settings for your collection pages layout ↗.
Select the Number of columns on desktop to show per row on desktop screens: either 2 or 3 columns.
Product image sizes will change according to the number of columns. On smaller browser sizes, the product grid may show fewer columns to adapt to the window width.
Choose to Enable slider on desktop and mobile to show a single-row of products that rotates, instead of a grid.
Click Save.
Maximum number of products
Set the maximum number of products to display within in the section: between 3 and 6.
Number of columns on desktop
Choose how many products to show per row on desktop screens: either 2 or 3 columns.
Enable slider
For desktop or mobile, display products in a single-row carousel that visitors can click through to view more.
Set up featured media block
The featured media appears beside the collection products. Add a Featured image block or a Featured video block instead.
Change media layout
Select the position of the featured media, and change the media height and width.
In your theme editor (Customize):
Click the Featured collection with media section to open the settings.
Select the Desktop position to display the featured media either to the Left of products or Right of products.
Change the Desktop width of the featured media as a percentage of the section width: between 25% and 50%.
Set the minimum Desktop height of the featured media: between 300 and 500 pixels.
Select the Mobile position to display the featured media either Above products or Below products on mobile devices.
Change the minimum Mobile height of the featured media: between 300 and 500 pixels.
Click Save.
Desktop position
Display the featured media either Left of products or Right of products.
Desktop width
Change the width of the featured media as a percentage of the section width: between 25% and 50%.
Desktop height
Set the minimum height of the media: between 300 and 500 pixels.
Mobile position
Display the featured media either Above products or Below products.
Mobile height
Set the height of the featured media: between 300 and 500 pixels.
Add image block
Upload images for both desktop and mobile, add an image overlay, and add headings and a button.
In your theme editor (Customize):
Under Featured collection with media, click Featured image block to open the settings.
Select an Image
There are no required images dimensions. We simply recommend images have a minimum width of 2500px for optimal quality across all devices.
(Optional.) Upload a Mobile image to show only on mobile devices.
You can use an alternate image to accommodate for re-sizing, cropping, and overlay text on mobile screens. For example, you might use an image with a portrait orientation instead of landscape.
For the Media fit, choose to Fill the entire block with your image or Contain the image within the block to display its original shape.
The Fill option may crop the edges of your image to show it full-sized. The Contain option avoids any cropping by re-sizing the image to fit within the block.
If the media fit is set to Fill, select an Image focal point to specify the main focus of your image and avoid unwanted cropping when the section adapts to different screen sizes.
Select From image to use the focal point set for the image when used anywhere on your store. To change the focal point, click the Edit button on the preview of the uploaded Image. To set the focal point of the image for only this section, select Center, Top, Bottom, Left, or Right.
Choose to add a Background link to make the entire image a clickable link that points to a different page.
In the section settings, you can change the position, height, and width of the featured media.
Click Save.
Add video block
Display an autoplay video (without audio) as the section media. Add the Featured image block, set the Video focal point, and choose to add a Background link to the entire video.
In your theme editor (Customize):
Under Featured collection with media, click the delete button (trash can) to remove the Featured image block.
Click (+) Add block and select Featured video.
Click the Featured video block to open the settings.
Under Shopify video, click Select video.
Select a .mp4 video, or click Add videos to upload a .mp4 video file.
Select a Video focal point to specify the main focus of your images. The focal point will remain centered and within frame when your site adapts to different screen sizes.
Choose to add a Background link to make the entire video a clickable link that points to a different page.
In the section settings, you can change the position, height, and width of the featured media.
Click Save.
For autoplay videos, make sure your video files meet the following requirements:
Video file type
.mp4 or .movEmbedded YouTube or Vimeo videos are not supported.
Video length
< 20 seconds (Recommended)
Video size
< 10MB (Recommended)
Click Featured video block to find settings
Shopify video
Select or upload a video that autoplays (without sound).
Video focal point
Specify the main focus of the video for desktop and mobile. The focal point will remain centered and within frame to avoid unwanted cropping.
Background link
Select a page or URL to make the entire video a clickable link.
Add overlay
The tint overlay adds a layer of color to your video. Overlays help balance image and text for clarity and readability.
Change the opacity to make the overlay more or less transparent
Use a solid or gradient overlay
Use custom colors
In your theme editor (Customize):
Click the Featured video or Featured image block to open the settings.
Under Image overlay, use the Tint opacity slider to change the transparency of the overlay.
Set the opacity to 0% to turn off the overlay color. If set to 100%, the overlay will be opaque and the featured media will not be visible.
For the Tint style, choose to use a Solid overlay color or Gradient overlay for the tint.
The gradient style fades across a range of hues. Select one of four options to change the angle and direction of the gradient.
Select the Override with custom colors option to change the Text and Tint colors to be different from the overlay colors in your theme settings.
Click Save.
Click Featured media block to find settings
Tint opacity
Use the slider to change the transparency of the overlay.
Set the opacity to 0% to turn off the overlay.
Tint style
Choose to use a Solid overlay color or Gradient overlay for the tint. The gradient style fades across a range of hues. You can select the angle and direction of the gradient.
Override with custom colors
Check this option to use custom overlay colors for the tint.
These colors will override the overlay colors selected in your theme settings.
Text color
Select a custom color for the headings and text.
Tint color
Select a custom overlay text color for the tint.
Add headings and button
Add heading text to overlay the media block, and add a button to link to another page.
In your theme editor (Customize):
Click the Featured video or Featured image block to open the settings.
Set Maximum text width between 150 and 500 pixels.
Use this setting to control the line breaks of your headings and text.
Add Accent text to show a small heading above the main section heading.
Select Show accent divider to add a border line under the accent heading. Select an Accent divider color to use the Theme color (as selected in the theme settings) or the Current color (as selected in the section settings)color in the theme settings.
Add Heading text to display as the section title.
Change the Heading size from small (1) to large (8).
Add Text to display below the section heading.
Change the Text size from small (1) to large (8).
Select or paste a URL for the Button link and enter text for the Button label.
Select a Button style: Primary button (Solid), Secondary button (Solid), Tertiary button (Outline), or Text. The most effective button labels ask customers to do something (e.g. Get started, Join us, Shop now). To learn more, read "What is a Call to Action?"
Click Save.
Section header
The Section header appears above the section. Add a heading, subheading, and optional button.
In your theme editor (Customize):
Click the Featured collection with media section to open the settings.
Enter Accent text to display a small label above the heading.
Enter Heading text to display a section title.
Enter Subheading text to display below the heading.
Use the formatting buttons to add text styles, links, or lists. To learn more, see Shopify's Rich text editor guide ↗.
Set Maximum text width between 400 and 1000 pixels.
Use this setting to control the line breaks of your headings and text.
Select or paste a URL for the Button link and enter text for the Button label.
Select a Button style: Primary button (Solid), Secondary button (Solid), Tertiary button (Outline), or Text. The most effective button labels ask customers to do something (e.g. Get started, Join us, Shop now). To learn more, read "What is a Call to Action?"
Click Save.
Click Featured collection with media section to find settings
Center header content
Display headings as center-aligned within section. Uncheck this option to align headings to the left.
Add a small heading label above section heading.
Add text to show a main heading.
And text below the main heading.
Maximum text width
Set the maximum width of heading text between 400 and 1000px.
Button link
Select or paste a URL for a button.
Button label
Enter text to display as the button label.
The most effective button labels ask customers to do something (e.g. Get started, Join us, Shop now).
Button style
Choose a style for the button. Select Solid, Outline, or Text.