Product recommendations

Product page section

Tip Check out similar features like Complementary products for the product page and Cross sells in the cart to show customers related products that they can purchase in addition to the selected product.

In the Product template, the Product recommendations section displays similar products to customers on product pages. Product recommendations let customers discover new products and can increase sales.

Recommendations are automatically generated based on products in related collections, products that are commonly purchased together, or similar product descriptions. Recommendations improve over time with more customer and product information. You can customize product recommendations by downloading Shopify's Search & Discovery app.

Set up section

Follow the steps to set up the Product recommendations section. You can customize the section headings, the number of recommend products, and the section style.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click the Product recommendations section in your products template.

    To add this section, click (+) Add section and select Product recommendations.

  2. Enter Heading text to display as the section title.

  3. (Optional.) Enter Subheading text to display beneath the Heading.

    Use the formatting buttons to add bold, italic, or link text.

  4. Set the Maximum number of products to display in the section. Choose between 2 and 15 products.

  5. Set a specific Number of columns to display on Desktop and Mobile.

    Choose between 3 and 5 columns of product for Desktop screens. Choose between 1 and 1 for mobile devices.

  6. Choose to Enable animation to show visual effects when scrolling, hovering, or interacting with the section.

    Learn more about Section animations in Cornerstone.

  7. Choose to display a Top divider that separates sections with a Solid line.

    The Top divider uses the color of Lines and borders set in the Theme settings.

  8. Select a Padding option to change the spacing between sections. Choose between Top and bottom, Top only, Bottom only, or set it to None.

  9. Click Save.

Customize recommendations

With Shopify's Search & Discovery app, you can customize which products are recommended.

Download Shopify's Search & Discovery app and learn how to choose recommended products ↗ for your store’s product pages.

Using automated recommendations ensures that only in-stock and published products are displayed. If you manually select recommended products, make sure your product list is up-to-date.

Settings reference

In the Product template, click the Product recommendations section to find the following settings.

Section content

Add headings and a button at the top of the section.

Product list

Change the layout of the product cards on desktop and mobile.

Section style

Related links

Product template Complementary products Cross-sells

Last updated