Release notes for Cornerstone theme versions
To access the latest features and fixes, you must update your theme in the Shopify admin.
Cornerstone was initially released October 2023. All theme versions are built for Shopify's latest theme architecture ↗ called "Online Store 2.0" (OS2).
3.0.0 — Latest release
March 27, 2025
Cornerstone v3.0.0 brings some major updates to the "Image with content" related sections, adds a "Scrolling" content" section and support for sections to legacy customer account templates, and fixes some minor bugs.
Important: Added an "Overlapping media with content" section.
We've essentially updated the "Image with content" section to support videos to allow for mixed media within the section.
We've done our best to preserve as much as possible from any original uses of "Image with content" or "Video with content", but multiple settings were updated, so you'll need to go through and ensure that any existing instances are set up to your liking.
Important: Added a "Media with content split" section
We've combined the "Image with content split" and "Video with content split" sections.
Similar to the above, you'll need to go through an ensure that any existing instances of "Image with content split" and "Video with content split" are set up to your liking.
Updated legacy customer account templates to support sections.
Important: Removed the following sections as they've been replaced by the new "media" sections:
Image with content
Image with content split
Video with content
Video with content split
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed the quick view modal content appearing behind the search page content during the closing animation.
Fixed the "Clear all" button not clearing price filters.
February 11, 2024
Cornerstone v2.0.0 adds some new video-related sections, expands header options related to search, and fixes some minor bugs.
A new option to choose mobile-specific videos for the "Video hero" section.
Important: Updated "Header" section settings related to search.
Originally, there was a "Search bar" section of the settings where you could choose to enable/disable the search bar, as well as choose the appearance of the search display on mobile. With this, the search bar enable didn't apply to the icon appearance on mobile.
We've updated things so that there's a "Search" section of the settings with an enable/disable for search as whole, and then added a desktop-specific appearance setting, so now you can choose the appearance on desktop and mobile independently while maintaining the ability to enable/disable search showing in the header.
Due to this update, you'll need to go to the "Search" section of the "Header" settings and ensure that settings are configured to your liking.
The "Desktop layout" setting in the "Header" section has a new option of "Logo left, search right". This is mainly intended for the case that the "Desktop search appearance" is "Search icon".
Fixes and improvements
Fixed product page only adding a quantity of 1 to the cart when more than 1 has been selected and there are complementary products in the left column.
Fixed the header cart label reverting to English when the cart is updated and a different language is selected.
Fixed the slideshow not working when it's not full-width.
Fixed the Shopify subscriptions widget not displaying radio buttons correctly.
1.3.4 — Latest release
December 17, 2024
Cornerstone v1.3.4 fixes some high-impact bugs, and makes preparations for the upcoming font deprecations.
Updated preset fonts to account for recent deprecated fonts.
Fixes and improvements
Fixed an issue where the "Show more" button in the Storefront filters sidebar doesn't expand the filter list.
Fixed an issue where the Sticky add to cart bar's price was not updated as variants were selected.
November 25, 2024
Cornerstone v1.3.3 fixes some minor bugs.
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed the "Enable quick sign-in menu" setting in the "Mobile menu" section removing customer links when disabled.
Fixed the "Clear all" filter button not working on the search page.
Fixed variant options that include quotes (") showing a backslash () in the option title when using standard dropdown selectors.
October 11, 2024
Cornerstone v1.3.2 addresses the accelerated checkout button update and fixes some minor bugs.
Styles for new accelerated checkout buttons.
Lazy load "shimmer" animation on logo.
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed the "Article categories" setting under "Theme settings > Blog" not working correctly.
Fixed the email input height not matching the "Submit" button in the "Newsletter compact" section
August 7, 2024
Cornerstone v1.3.0 adds new templates and updates some default sections to match demo content, and fixes some minor bugs.
Added a new onboarding section to the homepage.
Added two new collection templates from the theme demos.
Added five new product templates from the theme demos.
Updated the French translation for "hour" in the "Countdown timer" section.
Important: Updated the "Cart label with subtotal" translation to be an HTML translation. This allows for merchants to include HTML in their currency formatting. If you've customized this translation, you'll need to re-add your customization.
Updated the Flair preset.
Updated the default sections included in the homepage, as well as the "Header group", "Footer group", and "Overlay group" section groups.
Other fixes and improvements
Fixed Filter states not updating correctly when Search & Discovery app setting for "Empty values" is anything but "Show in default order" (released in v1.2.3).
Fixed the "Quick cart" section possibly not respecting section settings when it's refreshed (eg. cart item quantity is updated).
Fixed the hyphen still showing in the footer when the "Powered by Shopify" link has been hidden.
Fixed variant selection on the product page possibly updating prices in "Complementary products" blocks.
Fixed article and page content images not respecting the alignment set in the admin.
Fixed the "Back" (arrow) and "Reset" buttons in the mobile filter drawer not being responsive after changing the sort order or applying filters.
Fixed long menus for the subfooter menu extending beyond the page.
Fixed mobile menu images looking blurry for some versions of Safari.
Fixed the search placeholder and quick cart quantity button alignment changing with font selection.
Fixed external videos (ie. YouTube/Vimeo) in product media not pausing when changing the active media.
April 8, 2024
Cornerstone v1.2.3 updates the cart, quick cart, and purchase confirmation popup to accomodate compare-at prices and fixes minor bugs.
Fixes and other improvements
Updated cart, quick cart, and purchase confirmation popup to accommodate compare-at price.
Fixed search results filters not showing when there are more than 5000 results (respects Shopify's limits now).
Fixed collection sorting not working when filtering is disabled.
Fixed "Add to cart" in quick view not directing to the cart page when quick cart, purchase confirmation popup, and quick add are not enabled.
March 11, 2024
Cornerstone v1.2.2 fixes some minor bugs.
Other fixes and improvements
Fixed whitespace showing in quick cart note field by default.
Fixed active product thumbnail not scrolling into view on variant selection.
Fixed missing theme editor translations for the "Custom Liquid" info text in the column blocks of the "Product tabs" section.
Fixed extra space showing on the right of the product page when the quantity selector is set not to show the current quantity in cart.
February 5, 2024
Cornerstone v1.2.1 fixes the cart note always being populated with whitespace.
Other fixes and improvements
Prevent the cart note from being populated with whitespace by default.
February 2, 2024
Cornerstone v1.2.0 adds support for Shopify's visual filters (filter swatches), the ability to specify searchable fields for quick search, and a footer block to enter custom Liquid/HTML. It also fixes some minor bugs.
Support for Shopify's visual filters. Nolt
Options to choose searchable fields for "Quick search".
A "Thumbnail image size" setting for the mobile menu "Promoted products" block. Depending on your chosen layout, the image display size could have changed, so you'll want to ensure that things are displaying as you want.
A footer block to enter custom Liquid/HTML content.
Other fixes and improvements
Updated the styling of the newsletter subscription confirmation page.
Updated images in RTE content to respect sizes selected in the admin.
Improved scrolling performance on the collection page.
Fixed the back-to-top button overlapping the sticky add-to-cart bar on the product template.
Fixed the product media thumbnail navigation not working.
Fixed the "New address" popup overlapping with header and other sections.
Fixed mobile menu items of the same name overlapping.
Fixed the quick view icon not showing on Android devices using Chrome.
Fixed product filters breaking when a filter contains an apostrophe.
Fixed inline navigation menu dropdowns being misaligned sometimes.
Fixed collection item image padding causing misalignments.
Fixed collection description truncation not collapsing correctly on iOS.
Fixed custom swatch images not applying to product cards when the name matches a CSS color.
Fixed multiple meta description tags being present.
Fixed slider "Next" button not showing at some screen sizes.
Fixed video embeds in RTE content being cut off.
December 15, 2023
Cornerstone v1.1.2 adds a new theme preset, "Flair".
New theme preset, "Flair".
December 13, 2023
Cornerstone v1.1.1 adds a new theme preset, "Botanical".
New theme preset, "Botanical".
December 11, 2023
Cornerstone v1.1.0 adds sticky "Add to cart" functionality to the product page, new EU translations, as well as some new settings for more granular control over some features. Also includes some bug fixes and minor design improvements.
Important: A "Show text boxes" setting for the blog template's "Blog posts" section. This setting defaults to unchecked, so you'll need to check it if you would like text boxes.
Sticky "Add to cart" for the product template. Nolt
EU translation locales.
A setting to choose whether the header search submit button uses the primary button colors, or matches the search input.
Option to include a button in the "Collection list" section header.
Option to choose the link color in the "Quick links" section.
A "Mobile image spacing" setting for the "Collection list buttons" section.
A theme preset, "Glow".
Other fixes and improvements
Improved performance (image loading) with the section index property.
Expanded pagination on mobile (more page links are visible).
Updated slider drag functionality to have a small buffer to make clicking easier.
Fixed collection page "Load more" button not having a loading state when clicked.
Fixed $0 compare prices showing on product page.
Fixed product card quick view button sometimes disappearing when hovered.
Fixed product card overflow swatch having a broken link.
Prevent the "Blog posts" section "Read more" buttons from being cut off.
Add missing spacing between 'Complementary products' product block rows.
Fixed text links using the incorrect colour when set to default colour scheme.
Fixed the "Image width" and "Text width" settings in the "Multi-column" section's blocks not applying.
Fixed media outside product media gallery pausing when product media changes.
Fixed filtered variant image not showing when "Show second image on hover" is enabled. This applies to both collection and search.
Removed use of "collection" as a variable name in instances where it could conflict with the global collection object.
Fixed wrong image sizes being used on mobile for the "Promotion grid" section.
Minor design improvements for the collection page.
Minor design improvements for the header.
Minor design improvements for the product page.
Minor design improvement for the product cards.
Minor design improvements for the 'Promotion grid' section.
Minor design improvements for the 'Icon with text columns' section.
Minor design improvements for the Article template's 'Blog posts' section.
Minor design improvements for the 'Collection list' section.
Minor design improvements for the 'Collection list buttons' section.
Minor design improvements for the Blog template's "Blog posts" section.
Minor design improvements for the 'Quick links' section.
November 17, 2023
Cornerstone v1.0.5 updates the country selector to be based on available countries rather than currencies, and fixes some bugs.
Updated the country selector visibility to be based on the number of available countries, rather than the number of available currencies.
Minor design improvements to the "Mobile menu" blocks.
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed swatch tooltips not showing when "Dynamic option availability" is disabled.
Fixed quick cart cross sell "Add" button not responding when first product added to cart
Fixed mobile product image not reflecting selected variant on load.
Fixed product media thumbnails not turning into slider when the media shown on page load isn't the featured media.
Fixed product description truncation breaking when in a collapsible row.
November 16, 2023
Cornerstone v1.0.4 adds a new theme preset, fixes bugs, and brings some minor design improvements.
A new theme preset, "Artisan".
Updated the Twitter share URL.
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed popup dismissal buttons not working.
Fixed page not being scrollable in the theme editor after changing a mobile menu or quick cart setting and closing the drawer.
Fixed Slideshow section breaking when re-ordered in the theme editor.
Fixed mobile menu featured collection tiles not linking.
Fixed product header discount badges not updating correctly on variant selection.
Fixed menu parents not being clickable when "Hover to open" is enabled.
October 31, 2023
Cornerstone v1.0.3 fixes the quick cart "Checkout" button being cut off on some mobile devices, along with some other small bug fixes, and updates the Twitter icon.
Updated Twitter icon to X.
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed the quick cart "Checkout" button being cut off on some mobile devices.
Fixed collection filtering breaking quick add functionality.
Refactors usage of H1 tags to ensure there aren't duplicates.
October 19, 2023
Cornerstone v1.0.2 addresses minor slideshow issues
Fixes and other improvements
Fix mobile images not showing properly in the Slideshow section
Fix Slideshow with autoplay disabled hiding slide content on slide change
October 18, 2023
Cornerstone v1.0.1 brings minor design improvements throughout the theme, along with a couple of small fixes.
Fixes and improvements
Fixed the product item floating buttons being hidden by the secondary image.
Fixed indicator dots unintentionally showing on grid styled sections.
Minor design improvements to the quick search, header, product overview, and text boxes/buttons.
Improved the product page sidebar recommendations' text handling.
Updated designs for the collection filters.
Last updated
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