Blog posts
Use the Blog posts section to display your latest posts or selected posts from your blog. Blog posts appear as single-row slider that visitors can move through and click to read more.
Check out Shopify's guide on How to start a blog and grow your audience.

Editing templates will change all pages that use the same template. Create new templates for different page layouts, or show dynamic page content in the same template.
Set up section
In the editor side panel, click (+) Add section and select Blog posts. Click and hold the drag handles ⋮⋮
to re-order sections.
Section styles
Sections include general styles. Click the section to find options for colors, spacing, and animations.
Section colors
Section spacing
Section animations
Select blog posts to show
Display the latest posts from a Selected blog or create a Custom list of blog posts.
Add post images and excerpts
Make sure you've added blog posts with featured images in Online Store > Blog posts ↗
You can also add Excerpts to change the text that appears under posts. By default, the first few lines will be used.
Click Blog posts section to find settings
Blog posts source
Choose to display latest posts from a Selected blog or a Custom list of blog posts that you can add and re-order as blocks.
Add article
For Custom list, click (+) Article beneath the Blog posts section.
Select blog
For Selected blog source, click Change to select a blog to display its latest posts.
Number of articles
For Selected blog, choose how many posts to display: between 2 and 12.
Number of columns on desktop
Select how many posts to show per row on desktop screens: either 2, 3, or 4 columns. On mobile, the section displays one column.
Customize blog post cards
Change the visual style of the featured posts, including the image aspect ratio, blog post details, and button.
Show blog post details
Choose which blog post details to show, as set up in your Shopify admin.
To edit the post details, go to Online Store > Blog posts ↗
Click Blog posts section to find settings
Show article categories
Display tags that you've added to posts in the Shopify admin.
Show author
Display the name of who created the blog post.
Show published date
Display the date when the post was published.
Show excerpt
When checked, the first few lines of the post will appear below. You can add a custom excerpt to blog posts in your Shopify admin.
Show featured image
Show the blog post image added in your Shopify admin.
Change image shape
Change the aspect ratio to crop post images to be a uniform shape.
The aspect ratio of an image is the proportion between its width and height (w:h). A square image has equal width and height (1:1); Portrait (2:1) is taller than it is wide.

Click Blog posts section to find settings
Image aspect ratio
Select an aspect ratio to crop images to be a uniform shape, or select Natural to display their original shape.
Natural Portrait (2:3) Square (1:1) Landscape (3:2)
Show text box
Choose to display the posts in container boxes with background colors. You can show tiles with shadows or borders.

Click Blog posts section to find settings
Show text box
Display all posts within a container.
Text box style
Display boxes with a Soft drop shadow, Solid drop shadow, or Borders with different thicknesses.
Color scheme
Change the color scheme applied to the text box. Use the Default color scheme from your theme settings or select a variant scheme based on the default: either Inverse, Soft, Accent, or Sale. You can also select a custom color scheme. Learn more.
Override with custom colors
Use custom colors for this section to override the color scheme.
Text color
Select a custom color for text within the text box.
Background color
Select a custom color for the background of text box.
Section header
The Section header appears above the section. Add a heading, subheading, and optional button.
Click Blog posts section to find settings
Center header content
Choose to display headings as center-aligned within section. Uncheck this option to align headings to the left.
Add text to show a small heading above the main section heading.
Add text to show a main heading above the section.
Add text to show a subheading below the main heading.
Maximum text width
Set the maximum width of heading text between 400 and 1000 px.
Button link
Select or paste a URL for a button. This link applies to the entire grid item if the button label field is blank.
Button label
Enter text to display as the button label. The most effective button labels ask customers to do something (e.g. Join us, Shop now).
Button style
Change the style of the button. Select Primary button (Solid), Secondary button (Solid), Tertiary button (Outline), or Text.
Buttons position
Choose to show the buttons either in the Header (below the headings) or in the Footer (below the posts). In the footer position, the button is always centered.
Related links
Last updated
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