Filters and sorting

Collection pages

Let customers discover products quickly by filtering your products by availability, price, type, vendor, and your variant options. When filters are enabled, Cornerstone also displays a price slider, color swatches, and product chips for easy navigation.

Enable filters and sorting

Shopify | Sorting and filtering products are Shopify features. The theme provides the style of the filter options on collection pages, including features like product swatches. You can add custom filters with Shopify's Search & Discovery app.

In the Collection template, click the Product grid section to enable sorting and filtering on collections.


Enable sorting

Allow customers to sort search results by relevance, title, or price.

Enable filtering

Allow customers to filter by product options, product type, price, availability, and more. You can edit filter options with Shopify's Search & Discovery app.

You can let visitors search filter groups that have a long list of filter values.


Filter search groups

Enter filter group names to enable searching. Visitors can enter a search term to refine the list of filter values. To enable search for multiple filter groups, enter the filter group names in a comma-separated list. For example: Brand, Color, Format, Material

Change filters layout

Change the appearance of filters and sorting by collapsing the sidebar or filter groups, truncating longer filter lists, and showing variant swatches and chips as filter options.


Collapse filter sidebar

Hide the filter sidebar when the collection page loads. Visitors can click the Filter button to reveal the sidebar.

Collapse filter groups on desktop

Hide values of filter groups until visitors click to reveal them.

Truncate filter list

Choose to limit how many filter values to show in filter groups. Visitors can click "Show more".

Truncate filter list amount

Select the number of filter values to show before hiding additional values.

Show swatch filters

Show chip filters

Chip layout

Choose to display chips in 2 or 3 column grid. Select Natural to display a layout that adapts to the natural length of the chips.

Related links Collections template Product grid Banner Shopify's Adding filters guide ↗

Last updated