Enable swatches

Product pages

In the theme editor, you can enable swatches for multiple product options. If your store uses multiple languages, make sure to add the translated product option names for each language.

If you want to set up variants as individual products with their own images and details, learn how to set up Sibling product swatches. Note that sibling product swatches link to separate products and will not appear as swatches on collection pages or product listings.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click Theme settings, then click Product.

  2. Enter the exact product option name in the Option for swatches field (e.g. "Material").

    For multiple product options, enter all product option names, separated by commas (e.g. "Color, Material, Style").

    If your store uses multiple languages, enter the translated names of the product options for each language, separated by commas (e.g. "Color, Couleur, Farbe").

  3. Click Save.

Related links Use default color swatches Use custom color swatches Upload custom image swatches Change swatch styles Show swatches on product cards Enable dynamic option availability

Last updated